

  • The Boys & Girls Club,
  • Habitat for Humanity,
  • Biology Club, and
  • the Area Health Education Center (AHEC).
    • Provide a forum for pre-med/dent students to support our education here and after Berea College.
    • Take field trips to medical and dental institutions to get a feel for the professional arena.
    • Discuss relevant issues that face the community such as primary vs. specialty care, alternate health careers, medical ethics, etc.
    • Participate in events with a scientific or medically oriented nature.
    • Have fundraising activities.
    • Initiate and maintain a Berea chapter with AMSA.
    • To promote cohesive relations among current and prospective medical/dental students.
    • Have fun!
      • Become involved with the Berea chapter of the American Red Cross.
      • Sponsor speakers on relevant issues such as admission to medical/dental school, medical ethics, alternate medical fields, substantial financial assistance for medical/dental education, etc.
      • Become involved with the Biology Club.
      • Coordinate field trips to various medical/dental schools such as: University of Virginia, University of Pikeville, University of Louisville, and the university of Kentucky, etc.